SCHEME OF EXAMINATION (PS-II) November 24, 2022December 2, 2022 Administrator EVALUATION SYSTEMPS-PP We follow comprehensive continuous evaluation system. Students are graded throughout the year on the basis of class work, assessments, projects and activities done in the class. There will be two cycles of periodic assessments in each term. IST TERMIIND TERMINTERNAL ASSESSMENTTOTAL20 MARKS20 MARKS10 MARKS50 MARKSRANGE OF MARKSGRADESKEY TO GRADES41-50O O- EXCELLENT31-40AA- GOOD21-30BB- AVERAGEBELOW 20CC- NEEDS IMPROVEMENT EVALUATION SYSTEMI - II RANGE OF MARKSGRADES91-100A181-90A271-80B161-70B251-60C141-50C233-40D21-32E1BELOW 20E2